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Nocurnal Polygraphy – Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

I wear a long nightgown. How do I attach the leg sensors to my legs without the wires tightening the hem of my nightgown too much?

You can thread the wires of the leg sensors underneath the neck opening of the nightgown and from there down to your legs and waist.

I’m not used to sleeping with a T-shirt on. Can the recording device be attached directly to my skin?

Unfortunately, a recording device cannot be attached to bare skin for reasons of hygiene. Try to choose a T-shirt that is the thinnest or loosest you have, so it will disturb your sleep as little as possible.

During the recording night, I slept a lot worse than normally. Has the examination failed?

Sleeping with a recording device generally worsens a night’s sleep. This can be taken into account in doing the analysis. A reliable respiration and movement analysis can be done from a rather small amount of night’s sleep. A physician evaluates whether or not enough sleep has been obtained in recording.

The equipment records sounds. Can I talk with my family during the evening?

When the equipment starts registration, it also records sound so that snoring can be reliably assessed. The physician doing the analysis can see clearly from the curve when you are asleep. The physician listens to small sound sections of your breathing and snoring from the periods when you are sleeping. If movement is visible in the curve (e.g. before going to bed, or from a visit to the washroom at night), sounds will not be listened to from these periods.

In the morning, I notice that one sensor has become detached or that one of the sensors is incorrectly attached. Has the examination failed?

The same things are measured with several sensors. The examination generally succeeds even if one of the sensors comes loose. In the field concerning the examination night in the sleep questionnaire, you can write which sensor became detached or was attached incorrectly, or tell the nurse when you handle the return.

I can’t get to sleep and stay awake, or I wake up in the middle of the night. Has the examination failed? Should I remove the device?

Do not remove the device until you have finally got up and started your day. Generally sleep arrives at precisely the point when the situation already seems desperate. The examination may well succeed – because the analysis is often obtained even on the basis of a short period of sleep.

What should the recording device on my chest look like while the recording is in progress?

Nothing normally shows on the device display. Frequently a green light on the recording device is illuminated when the device is in operation. The light does not always glow, however, so don’t be worried if the device is completely dark.

What should the finger sensor or wristband look like while the device is in operation?

A red light glows in the sensor attached to the finger while the device is in operation. The light isn’t always visible if the sensor is tightly attached to the finger. Readings can sometimes be seen on the display on the wristband. Frequently, though, this display is also completely dark. So don’t worry – the device is  taking care of the measurement even so.

By mistake, I pressed the recording device button. Will this affect the success of the recording?

The recording starts up and stops on a timed basis: pressing the button will not spoil the recording. However, please do not press any buttons for no reason.

The recording failed for some reason. What can be done?

Examinations fail very rarely. If, however, this actually happens for some reason, the recording can be repeated at a time suitable for you.

Can I visit the washroom during the night?

You can visit the washroom as you normally do during the night. Please be careful, however, not to get the finger sensor or wristband wet as you wash.

Should the finger sensor remain dry when washing hands?

The finger sensor must not get wet. Attach the sensor to your left hand if you are right-handed and to your right hand if you are left-handed. This will allow you to continue to act after attaching the sensor and will make it easier for you to avoid damaging the sensor.

My partner snores noisily beside me: will this interfere with the examination?

It would be better if your partner could sleep in another bed or on a sofa during the examination period. You should sleep in a familiar bed, however. If your partner cannot sleep elsewhere, mention in the questionnaire that you spent the recording night next to a person snoring.

Can I take my medication as I do normally?

You can take any medication you are using in the normal way. Do remember to enter the medications you use in the sleep questionnaire.

Can I use sleep medication if it looks like I won't get any sleep during the recording night?

If you are taking continuous sleep medication or sleeping pills in general, you can take your medication in the normal way.

If you take sleep medication or sleeping pills in general for use only when required, follow the same criteria as you do when you normally take them.  It would be preferable if the recording could take place without medication, but if you can’t get to sleep otherwise, you can certainly take the medication concerned. Do remember to enter the medications you use in the sleep questionnaire.

Can I sleep on my stomach?

You are free to choose your sleeping position and you can also sleep on your stomach. The device is under your chest while sleeping on your stomach. Sleeping on the device will not damage the device, but it may disturb your sleep. So try to find yourself the position you can sleep.

Should I personally return the equipment to the agreed location in the morning?

The devices are returned in the morning to the agreed location; nothing else happens in connection with the return.  A relative or friend can return the equipment on your behalf.

When and how will I hear about the results of the examination?

The examination will be analysed by a clinical neurophysiology specialist who will write a statement on the examination results for the referring physician. The replies will be at the disposal of the attending physician about a week after the examination.

Will the results be visible in the My Kanta service?

The replies will appear in the My Kanta service after a delay: in about two weeks after the preparation of the examination results – in other words, in about three weeks after the recording took place.