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Nocturnal polygraphy / Sleep study

A nocturnal polygraphy, or sleep study, is used to study the way your body functions when you sleep and to diagnose potential, sleep-related breathing disorders such as sleep apnoea, snoring, upper respiratory tract congestion, or restless leg syndrome.

During the study, your breathing, breathing movements, heart rate, sleeping position, blood oxygen level and feet movement are monitored. The study is conducted at home. You will need to place a small device with multiple sensors on your chest. The device allows you to sleep more or less normally, and you can move around freely during the study. Since a finger clip is used to measure blood oxygen level, you should not wear nail polish or artificial nails.

You should sleep as regularly as possible and avoid alcohol for a week before the study. Any prescription medication can be taken normally.

Time for the examination/equipment pick-up is booked through Suomen Neurolaboratorio. Please watch the equipment installation video before making an appointment. If you feel confident in attaching the equipment yourself using the video, you can book just a pick-up time. The package includes all the instructions and accessories needed for the examination night and for completing the questionnaires. If you feel you need additional guidance, you can book a 20-30 minute guidance session, during which a nurse will go through the equipment usage with you. The equipment, along with the sensors, is to be attached at home well before bedtime. In the morning, the equipment is removed from the chest and returned to Neurolaboratorio.

Our clinical neurophysiology specialists will provide a statement on the registered data.

Video on attaching nocturnal polygraphy device: